August 24, 2007


OK, I'm at the risk here of seeming like I just steal ideas from other peoples' blogs, but once again I was struck by the truthfulness of someone else's thoughts, and had to post them here, because I feel they ring so true and could perhaps help someone who reads my blog. She wrote:

"I was telling her (sis-in-law) about a recent trip I'd taken back to Seattle to visit my family... Every time I saw someone that I hadn't seen for a long time, all I could think about was how fat I was. I was just positive that they were noticing my largeness and thinking about how much weight I had gained. And maybe I was right. But that's not the point. The point is that my weight was keeping me from enjoying the people that I love and the things that I love to do. We talked about it some more and then my sister in law put it this way...

"I can never really be with people, because I'm always with my fat. When I see someone I love, I'm not thinking about them, I'm thinking about my fat and what they're thinking about my fat. When I do something that's fun, I'm thinking about how fat I look doing it... When someone hugs me, I'm not really thinking about hugging them, I'm thinking about how it must feel for them to hug my fat." She talked about a few other ways that she feels held back by her weight, and finally she said...

"I don't want to be with my fat anymore! I want to be with people!"

Wow. This resonated so much with me that I actually had a physical reaction to it. And like I told her, I hope I can somehow harness how incensed I am (at myself for holding myself back) and use it to light a fire under my butt!!

Check out Diet Coke & Zingers - she's awesome (and I'm still waiting to know what's behind the name!)



Ashley said...

The only way that you can fail is to say "well, I haven't been able to do it in the past, so I'm just going to stop trying." I've finally been able to stop looking at it like a "diet" and look at it more as a way of life, but the only way that's happened is by reading how others have done it. I love reading your blog and think that even though you're having a hard time, you're doing what you need to and you're marvelous darling!! Simply marvelous!!

The Price's Wife said...

Glad my post resonated with you... I'm curious to know how you've been doing these past few days...

You know, you're one of my favorite blogger friends... I miss you when you're not around!